Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks


Created: 26.08.2009 21:13 Last Modified: 26.08.2009 21:13 Views: 8761
Keywords: Linux, rar

How to Use RAR Archives under Linux


RAR is a well known file format for archives associated with application for Microsoft Windows such as WinRAR. The goal of this article is to explain how to install and use rar under Linux.

Download and Install RAR under Linux


Check at rarlab.com for the latest stable releases and download appropriate version for your Linux (32bit or 64bit).
wget http://www.rarlab.com/rar/rarlinux-3.9.0.tar.gz


Extract the downloaded content and move it at appropriate directory. In the example the directory is /opt/rar/ and the commands are executed by root user.
[leon@localhost Download]$ tar -xzf rarlinux-3.9.0.tar.gz
[root@localhost Download]# mv rar /opt/

Register RAR to the Other Linux Application

This last step is optional because it's puprose is only to provide comfort to all users of the system. The example demostrates how to create a symbolic link at /usr/bin/ to the rar application.
[root@localhost Download]# ln -sf /opt/rar/rar /usr/bin/rar

Create a RAR Archive

To add files to archive and to compress them with RAR use the command rar. The first argument must be a, the second the name of the new file and then all names files and/or directories which should be included separated by comma.
[leon@localhost Download]# rar a MyRarFile.rar test.txt 

RAR 3.90   Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Alexander Roshal   16 Aug 2009
Shareware version         Type RAR -? for help                   

Evaluation copy. Please register.

Creating archive MyRarFile.rar

Adding    test.txt                                                    OK 

Extract an Archive

To extract content of an archive file use the rar command with the e argument followed by the name of the archive.
[leon@localhost Download]# rar e MyRarFile.rar

RAR 3.90   Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Alexander Roshal   16 Aug 2009
Shareware version         Type RAR -? for help

Extracting from MyRarFile.rar

Extracting  test.txt                                                  OK
All OK


WinRAR and RAR release

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